Tuesday 28 August 2012

Yellowstone National Park

You know sometimes when you pinch yourself and say am I really here? Today was another one of those days.

Left Cody bound for the big park with the geyser in it - you know - Old Faithful.

Great drive and fantastic scenery. I do have to take a moment and compliment my wonderful husband for his awesome driving! He is being very well behaved and making it a pleasant experience! (maybe he's growing up??)

Thought we may see some wildlife at Yellowstone but never thought we would see it so up close and personal. First bison we saw, we pulled over, put the camera on zoom and ooed and aahed! However that was just the 1st one. The picture I will put below hasn't got zoom on! He was right beside the car. I could have put my arm out and gave him a rub! But didn't! Freakin fantastic. Never saw a bear tho, maybe next time!

Now our life is always pretty much based on good timing and today once again didn't let us down. Old Faithful only blows his stack about every 90 minutes. We parked up and walked to the crowds (and I mean crowds) and what do you know, he started almost straight away - Timing! Again, just like watching the recent documentary on Discovery! So cool to be there and experience it.

Left there and programmed Salt Lake City into Peggy-Sue. Stopped at a rest area for a great late lunch. I honestly can't recommend enough to anyone doing a road trip to buy a car fridge. People look at us with envy and we were even asked today if we had enough for 2 more! After washing our snacks down with a couple of nice cold Buds got back on the road. Me behind the wheel this time.

Hit Utah and found ourselves another good motel to stay the night. Lots of good restaurants close by and some homework to do on San Francisco which we will reach in the next couple of days.

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