Wednesday 29 August 2012

The SnowBird, Bonneville Salt Flats & Fireworks!

Going to probably be the longest blog to date on the day we have had today!

What started out to be a driving day towards San Francisco turned out to be a whole lot more!

While in the motel room this morn Si read about The Snowbird which is an alpine ski resort just out of Salt Lake City in Little Cottonwood Canyon. They operate their chairlifts in the summer so off we went for a bo peep.

Talk about sweaty feet again. You hop in this gondola which in the peak ski season holds 100 people (today 13) and it takes you up to 11000 feet. Spectacular! It's the closest thing to the Swiss Alps in America we were told. We stayed up there for about 20 minutes (just enough time for me to stop shaking) and then went back down again. Now what amazed us both even more is there are biking and hiking tracks and there were people biking up and catching the lift back down! 2 seasons ago they had 800 inches of snow!

Next on the list was a stop at the famous Bonneville Salt Flats for a quick picture to say we had been there. Well did we get so much more than we bargained for.

We arrived on the 2nd last day of the Bub Motorcycle Speed Trials Week. We pulled up in the rental car, signed some papers, paid 20 bucks and what an experience. Pete at the gate (son of Bub) asked what bought us there. I said, well - Burt Munro was my Nana's brother and we are on holiday from his home town and want to take some pictures. From that moment on we were treated like royalty!

He had a lovely lady escort us onto the flats and she showed us around then took us to meet Bub who is Denis Manning. Bub being his nickname, short for Big Ugly Bastard. Not until I googled him later did I realize his importance! (he was portrayed by the actor in the film that was really tall, big smile and wore a cowboy hat). He took us around in his pick-up to meet people. He also told us some very interesting stories about Great Uncle Burt - which won't make the blog!

Ray - during all this I so wish it had of been you here, you would have been in your element!

We didn't see many bikes racing due to a variety of reasons, wind being one of them, but what we did see was 'fast!'. We meet so many truly amazing people. It really felt like one big family. So what was going to be 30 minutes was about 6 hours!

Outta there and back on to the I80 and crossed into Nevada. Turned off at Battle Mountain for a bed for the night. Another hour gained too crossing into Nevada! Brilliant!

Across the road from where we are staying is a Fireworks Outlet. We have seen a lot of outlets like this on our journey so decided to visit this one and find out the story!

They can sell fireworks all year round and each state has their own regulations on where to let them off. Simon, given the opportunity would have bought half the store. Everything was available to buy, sky rockets, sticks of dynamite size crackers and everything in between! It's a family run business and we met Dad and his 2 sons. Dad is 97! They gave Simon a chicken blowing balloon to let off tomorrow! Currently there is a ban but he's allowed to let this one off! I'll have the camera ready!

After such a busy, exciting day it's bedtime! (after we shower all the salt off!).

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