Thursday 30 August 2012

To quote Willie Nelson - On The Road Again

Did some lunch shopping at the local store in Battle Mountain before we hit the road this morning. Now if you are grocery shopping at 9am and feel like playing the pokies - guess what, they are there! So surprised I took a picture!

Pretty unassuming day really until we hit the Golden Gate Bridge and the fuel light was flashing. I was stressing but Si was calm (on the outside!). Just as well he had his walking shoes on. Fortunately after getting off the interstate and asking a local shop where is the nearest gas station - Simon was lucky enough to find one. I reckon there must have been 1 mile left in the tank.

First impression of San Francisco - bloody busy roads, foggy and cold! Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Got a tour booked for Saturday which includes Alcatraz.

Looking forward to sight seeing tomorrow.

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