Friday 17 August 2012

Back in USA

Packed up and hit the road for Detroit, Michigan this morning. Great drive off the freeway from Nigeria Falls to St Thomas. One lane stuff and a little slow in some areas. So from St Thomas programmed Peggy-Sue for the quickest route to Detroit and we were back on a freeway in no time.

Hit the bridge for the border crossing again and did a bit of duty free shopping first. Cheap as chips. What fascinated me were men buying up cases of beer and ice and filling their chilly bins. What a great service selling ice at a duty free store!

All was going smooth although we had picked the slowest line. Then our turn came and we had been lucky enough to be chosen for a random vehicle search. We had to pull to the right and a uniformed man (there were heaps of them) told us to get out of car, take our wallets and passports only and head to a room. Leave the car keys on the dash. I was a bit nervous to say the least. Not sure why, cause we had nothing to hide but they were going to search the car and our belongings and we were in a room out of sight.

Anyway these particular uniformed (yep-packing) blokes are very serious and not to be messed with. Not one smile or any sort of small talk.

So we are sitting in a room waiting on our name to be called. We had bought more booze than allowed so expected to pay duty and we had some vege which we declared.

Anyway after only about 10mins our turn was up, few more questions then free to go! I thought I was on Border Security! Just another adventure. Plus the bonus was we didn't have to pay any duty!

Within moments of crossing the bridge we were in Detroit. Decided to head half way between Brooklyn and Detroit and set up home for 3 nights. Found a spot called Ann Arbor. Very nice. Washing all caught up again and enjoying a drink.

Big day planned tomorrow in Detroit and an even bigger one Sunday in Brooklyn.

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