Thursday 2 August 2012

Surprise surprise

Another great day, with a awesome surprise (I'll leave that till lata).

Went on a organized bus tour for most of the day. Saw a few Memphis highlights in the morning including Sun Studio where Elvis first started recording.

Bought Simon his first part of birthday present from there - set of drum sticks. So I'm hoping he may become as famous as Elvis when he grows up. Next part is a Jack Daniels drum kit. Sorry neighbors.

Had a yum lunch then went to Gracelands. That was huge. To be where Elvis ate his dinner ( peanut butter and jelly deep fried sandwiches maybe) was a memory I'll keep forever along with the 100 photos I took!

Came back to motel and Pete and Kaz had been a little suspect all day but not really giving anything away.

Nek minnit, knock on the door with beer delivery was Nathan and Erin! Surprise surprise. How cool is that?

So now getting ready to hit Beale Street in downtown Memphis and create more memories. As I keep saying - "life couldn't get much better".

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