Tuesday 14 August 2012

The 3 M's, monuments, museums and muggy.

After the best sleep yet in the biggest bed yet we hit the tourists spots today.

Caught the 'hop on hop off' bus and started exploring. Its a system of double decker buses that complete 4 different routes around the city with an onboard commentary. Spot something you want to see - hop off then catch the next bus. Great system.

What a lot of history and incredible buildings here in Washington DC. Some of the highlights for me today would be - Washington monument, White House, Lincoln Memorial and Arlington National Cemetery (visited JFK's gravesite).

Simon did the Rocky jog up the steps of Lincoln Memorial. Not quite like the movie but good effort in today's heat which reached 90F. (about 32C)

Of course we sniffed out some Bud along the way enjoying this refreshing brew in the courtyard of the famous Willard Hotel.

Back at hotel cooling off, both had a wee Nana nap and now time to decide what to eat for dinner.

Life is good!

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