Thursday 9 August 2012

Hello Florida

Yesterday afternoon after we came down from our high off the swamp tour we hit the streets of New Orleans and covered the 3 main districts.

Went to Bubba Gumps for lunch - one word "delicious". Bit of fun there, had a cocktail that had all my favorites in it and kept the glass. Will make a great midori splice glass! Walked for miles to wear off lunch (stopping at a famous French Cafe for incredible pastries!) and ended up back at Bourbon Street, as ya do!

Left New Orleans this morning bound for Florida. Crossed 3 states getting here. Left Louisiana, through Alabama then into Florida. We are in a place called Tallahassee FL for an overnight stop. Had a swim in the pool and now I'm about to drive Simon out for dinner. Look out! All I have to do is right out car park, 2 miles then another right. Can't be that difficult can it?

Oh by the way - Si did our first drive down the wrong way on a one way street today. Entertaining. Thank goodness it was a quiet street, only 2 cars gave us the look!

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