Monday 27 August 2012

The Day in Cody

Great rodeo last night! The clown didn't let me down. He was good at his job! Excellent entertainment and loads of laughs. What's not on my bucket list - riding a bull! Do you know how big those suckers are?

Did a load of washing this morning. That was enough housework for another week. (getting used to not making our bed!). Then walked to the Buffalo Bill Historical Centre. Now how many hours do you have? We did about 3 and could have stayed for more. It's made up of 5 different museums and all interesting in their own right.

I enjoyed the Plains Indian People area. Simon - Firearms. It holds the largest firearms display in America.

The Yellowstone Natural History area was pretty cool too, but we are heading there tomorrow to see the real thing!

Even caught a speaker talking about rattlesnakes - whilst the rattlesnake was on his boots. I didn't move much for 30 minutes I can tell you!

Headed out of there and caught a cowboy cooking beans, scones and brewing coffee in old pans on the open fire by his chuckwagon. Offered us to try cowboy beans. Yum oh! Coffee wasn't bad either.

Found the famous Irma Hotel (named after Buffalo Bills daughter) and had buffet lunch. Ate too much but was delicious! Walked the town and headed back to motel for a swim.

I left Si to have a 50 year old aftn nap and I drove myself to Walmart to buy some Buds.

We have just been back up to the Irma Hotel to watch a wild west shoot out in the street. Bit of a laugh. $4 to hire 2 chairs and $3.50 to buy 2 Buds! Great stuff.

Early night tonight. Off to Yellowstone in the morning.

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