Monday 13 August 2012

Washington DC

Up early and hit the road capital bound. My chauffeur pulled over at a rest stop and said you can have a turn driving. How could I turn that down.

Now don't get me wrong I like driving and used to drive in Sydney peak hour BUT the differences here are huge! The thing is as long as you keep up the momentum it's ok. I thought I'd only do a half hour but got close to Washington and was wishing for a rest stop to come. Thankfully it did. I'm really not ready to handle 6 lanes going in all different directions at 80 miles/hr.

Only set Peggy-Sue for city centre today as we had no idea where to stay. So she took us right to the centre as requested. Went past the White House and arrived at a monument to hear the words "you have reached your destination".

Found a hotel and it's very classy. Even got upgraded to a lovely room on the top floor! I almost could stay in bed all day tomorrow but sight seeing to do. Bugger. To anyone traveling can really recommend the website Trip Advisor.

We had a very relaxing afternoon and even found a cinema and went to the Dark Knight Rises. What seems the norm in America was at the movies too. Buy your drink and popcorn and refill as much as you like! If I lived here I would have a personal trainer no doubt about it!

Plus I got a hair cut today! That's big news. Those close to me know I'm particular with my hair dresser. Wow, what a shampoo and condition I got. Massaged my neck even. I was almost purring. 40 bucks well spent people.

Bout to head for dinner and charge the cameras up for the sights to be seen tomorrow. Pics today just of view from room.

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