Monday 6 August 2012

Farewell Nathan & Erin

Decided on Mexican last night. Yum and the pitcher of strawberry margaritas, oh yeah will be having that again!

Farewelled Nathan and Erin this morn. They still have a few days of traveling to go before heading back to Oz! Great catch up and 'the shirt' has made it back to Simon! Enjoy the rest of your holiday team. Xxx

Si and I were all about just traveling today to get to New Orleans by tomorrow. So we decided to make it as far as Jackson (Mississippi). Just stuck to the freeway today.

Good drive until a storm hit. Crazy lightening and thunder and rain bucketed down. Thank goodness for tail lights in front. You could barely see where you were going. Si drove extremely well I must say. But there was more of a hero on the road than him. A biker with a open faced helmet and wearing a t-shirt and jeans doing 70 miles a hour in the blinding rain! Crazy! Sure hope our mates Jim, Mark and Dave have been fortunate with the weather on the west coast! You guys probably be at Sturgis by now! Enjoy.

Got some statistics to share:-

Driven so far - 2314 miles = 3724 kms

3 grades of petrol
87 = 3.419/gallon
89 = 3.559/gallon
93 = 3.699/gallon
Diesel = 3.599/gallon

So for the clever please work that out per litre? 1G = 3.7584L so I'm not sure if it's $1.107/litre or .903cents/litre. It's cheap anyhow and the Nissan is looking after us!

When you clock up the miles like today - 401 miles (645kms) it really doesn't seem to take that long due to the freeways. They are awesome to get from a to b or a to z in our case! Average speed about 75 miles/hour. (120kms).

The freeways are interesting enough with billboards everywhere and rest stops, food, gas and lodgings available every so many miles if you want to pull off.

Freeways are almost litter free except for the blown truck tyre rubber It's everywhere. The trucks are so numerous you wonder what they are carrying and where the heck everything is going. Lots of trees and very green which surprises me given the temperature.

Not a lot planned tonight just a washing catch up. Early start tomorrow.

Pic of Nathan with a packet of chips - how American can you get.

Till tmrw........

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