Monday 20 August 2012

Chicago, Illinois

Well got here and hit the road running! Found a Super 8, checked in, dropped the cases and fridge off then took off for the city centre.

The drivers here are the worst we have encountered. Won't let you in, speed, make lane changes even when there are no lanes to change in to! Nerves very frayed!

So to add to the adrenalin that was already pumping we headed straight for Chicago Sky Deck which you will have seen pics in previous blog. 103 floors up, 1353ft/412m and some glass ledges just in case you wanna walk out and look down and face ya fear! Face it we both did.

With very sweaty feet we headed back to the safety of ground level and found an Italian restaurant famous for its pizza pies! (plus a bucket of Bud to calm us!). Think I may have found my new business - very delicious!

Then headed to the Navy Pier for a walk around. Rode another ferris wheel. Bit too big and too slow for my liking. Think I'm more into the rides that are fast and furious. Took 15 minutes to do one complete circle.

As if my nerves hadn't had enough we had to drive home. All good really and now enjoying a vodka and relax to do it all again tomorrow.

The biggest bonus today was we gained a hour! Fantastic.

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