Saturday 25 August 2012

Mt Rushmore, Deadwood & Keystone

I'm so in my happy place right now! What a brilliant day.

Left Rapid City for Mt Rushmore. You know when you see something on tv and then see it in real life and pinch yourself and say am I really here. A moment like that this morn at the memorial.

After taking all that in headed for Deadwood. There just happens to be an annual event going on including a classic car show. So many people so many cars! However no galaxies, no grand prix pontiacs and no falcon coupes! Our cars must be worth heaps Ray & Geoff! They have live bands tonight and the main street is just full of camp chairs that people have put up to mark their spot. Will be chaos I'm sure but fun!

We back tracked a little to stay in a small western town called Keystone that we passed earlier. Staying in a awesome motel on the main street. Having a cool beverage then going to check out the western bars for dinner.

Loving it! Living the dream!

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