Sunday 12 August 2012

Driving Day Today

Today was all about making our way towards Washington DC. Passed thru 3 different states and staying in North Carolina.

Travelled 488 miles (785.36kms). The roads are great. 3 lanes most of the way. Have to keep reminding Si it's not Daytona! It's quite amusing to watch the vehicles that swap and change lanes so many times and then you catch up with them anyway. Because the speed is faster and the roads so good it doesn't feel like you are traveling that far.

Had probably our cheapest dinner tonight - Waffle House. Bowl chilli, toasted cheese sandwich and coffee for me. Bacon, egg, cheese toasted sandwich, hash brown with mushroom and oj for Simon - 11.29 plus a tip! How cheap is that?

Back in the room having a customary Bud and watching the Olympics closing ceremony.

On road early again tomorrow bound for Washington DC. Only about 4 hours up road.

For those following us on maps we are using I95 at the moment.

Thought of you today Ruth (pic below). Quoting Simon now "it's a little nutty, with a soft centre and sweet on the outside".

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