Saturday 4 August 2012

Simon's American 50th

Well what can I say. Again AWESOME.

Left Lawrenceburg bound for Simons happy place - the home of Jack Daniels, Lynchburg, Tennessee.

Saw our first smokey in hot pursuit. Thought Nathan was in trouble but was the vehicle in behind him.

Arrived at Jack Daniels and WOW. Very overwhelming. Did a tour, bought some bottles and had a visit in the squire room. Simon got 2 special glasses for being a squire.

Had a late lunch at the famous Miss Mary Bo Bo's. Read so much about this on the Internet and to be sitting there today - Wow!

So much to see, so much to do! So Si and I heading back tomorrow for more cause we didn't get enough!

We are now in the place called Chattanooga. Staying at the Chattanooga Choo Choo in a train carriage. For the older ones of us, you will be singing the song - yep bet you are! Thanks Pete and Kaz for the birthday shout in the carriage! Love you both for this. xxx

Not sure the plans tonight but we sitting in Nathan and Erin's carriage and already drunk the moonshine bought in Gatlinburg out of the jar. Friggin fantastic.

I have so many photos Im really struggling with only choosing the highlights.

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