Sunday 5 August 2012

My Turn For A Birthday Today - 21 again

Must be honest straight up and say I woke up with my head hurting a little this morning. Must have been the moonshine.

Went out last night on a shuttle bus to downtown Chattanooga, after consuming some liquids in the train carriage. Found a nice place to eat and quench our thirst even more.

Up this morning bound for Lynchburg again. Just couldn't get enough yesterday. Stopped at 'Waffle House' for breakfast. Honestly so like the movies.

Got back to Lynchburg and most of the shops are closed on Sunday's till 1pm for church. So we farewelled Peter and Kaz as they making their way back to Nashville and home to Sydney tomorrow. Fab to have spent time and created new memories with you guys!

Nathan, Erin, Si and I headed back to the distillery which thankfully was much quieter than yesterday. Returned to the Squires Room and sat and relaxed and learnt some more history. As Simons a squire he got 2 special glasses so he pretty pleased. Got told that up to 3000 people go through the distillery on Saturdays. And they don't charge a thing for the tour.

I also got him a bottle engraved yesterday. Back to the shops, more shopping and then to the cemetery to find Jacks grave.

Left town and found motel at Tullahoma Tennessee. Enjoying a bit of a relax and a customary Bud before deciding where to for dinner and another birthday drink or two.

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