Wednesday 1 August 2012


Left Nashville bound for Memphis after breakfast. Heads weren't too bad after a big day/night!  Had Peter and Kaz following us in their rental car.

Stopped at a cool store we had seen everywhere called Cracker Barrel. It sells anything and everything.  Like a old time store with very cool rocking chairs out front. Stocked up on lunch stuff for our rest stop feed later.

Back on the freeway thankful again that we have air conditioning as it got to 102F which is about 39C.

Had a bit of fun finding a motel in Memphis. First one we arrived at I was very thankful the boys came out and said we aren't staying there. Looked a bit like  something fom the projects!  Anyway found a nice one in West Memphis which is in a different state. We have gone from Tennessee to Arkansas. Had a lovely swim and caught up on the chores - washing.

Washing the clothes was very interesting as we had to go next door to the truck stop. I'm talking big rigs and some big drivers. They have full on services there for them and we met a fantastic guy called Orville. He was so kind helping Kaz and I sort out how to make the washing machines work. Then he got maps and showed us where best to go.   He was super friendly and even stayed till we had finished just to keep us safe we reckon. Gave him a deck of NZ playing cards and he was so grateful.

Have a big day planned tomorrow with a bus tour including Gracelands. Oh yeah!

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