Friday 31 August 2012

San Francisco

Well what a city. First impressions not that great. Cold, dirty, lots of homeless people, rubbish everywhere, graffiti and smelly. Did I mention cold? Had to get my jeans, jumper and shoes & socks out for the first time today.

However, we have spent the day at Fishermans Wharf and that was great. Very touristy area. Caught the tram down there. Had a yum brunch and walked for miles through the shops and market. Simon did a submarine tour. It's on the water but not submerged. Saw 'The Rock' from a distance, get to visit tomorrow - looking forward to that.

Walking home we decided to visit a Westfield shopping centre. I could spend the entire day there! Went to the movies and saw Lawless, based on a true story. Very good - bit gruesome!

Saw a drunk or drugged guy get bowled by a car on the walk home. He was standing in the middle of the road all dressed in black. He got up but will be feeling very sore tomorrow. I feel for the driver - he had no hope of seeing him!

Big cities - I'd take New York over San Francisco any day - but that's me and we still have a couple more days of exploring so my opinion could change.

Thursday 30 August 2012

To quote Willie Nelson - On The Road Again

Did some lunch shopping at the local store in Battle Mountain before we hit the road this morning. Now if you are grocery shopping at 9am and feel like playing the pokies - guess what, they are there! So surprised I took a picture!

Pretty unassuming day really until we hit the Golden Gate Bridge and the fuel light was flashing. I was stressing but Si was calm (on the outside!). Just as well he had his walking shoes on. Fortunately after getting off the interstate and asking a local shop where is the nearest gas station - Simon was lucky enough to find one. I reckon there must have been 1 mile left in the tank.

First impression of San Francisco - bloody busy roads, foggy and cold! Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Got a tour booked for Saturday which includes Alcatraz.

Looking forward to sight seeing tomorrow.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

The SnowBird, Bonneville Salt Flats & Fireworks!

Going to probably be the longest blog to date on the day we have had today!

What started out to be a driving day towards San Francisco turned out to be a whole lot more!

While in the motel room this morn Si read about The Snowbird which is an alpine ski resort just out of Salt Lake City in Little Cottonwood Canyon. They operate their chairlifts in the summer so off we went for a bo peep.

Talk about sweaty feet again. You hop in this gondola which in the peak ski season holds 100 people (today 13) and it takes you up to 11000 feet. Spectacular! It's the closest thing to the Swiss Alps in America we were told. We stayed up there for about 20 minutes (just enough time for me to stop shaking) and then went back down again. Now what amazed us both even more is there are biking and hiking tracks and there were people biking up and catching the lift back down! 2 seasons ago they had 800 inches of snow!

Next on the list was a stop at the famous Bonneville Salt Flats for a quick picture to say we had been there. Well did we get so much more than we bargained for.

We arrived on the 2nd last day of the Bub Motorcycle Speed Trials Week. We pulled up in the rental car, signed some papers, paid 20 bucks and what an experience. Pete at the gate (son of Bub) asked what bought us there. I said, well - Burt Munro was my Nana's brother and we are on holiday from his home town and want to take some pictures. From that moment on we were treated like royalty!

He had a lovely lady escort us onto the flats and she showed us around then took us to meet Bub who is Denis Manning. Bub being his nickname, short for Big Ugly Bastard. Not until I googled him later did I realize his importance! (he was portrayed by the actor in the film that was really tall, big smile and wore a cowboy hat). He took us around in his pick-up to meet people. He also told us some very interesting stories about Great Uncle Burt - which won't make the blog!

Ray - during all this I so wish it had of been you here, you would have been in your element!

We didn't see many bikes racing due to a variety of reasons, wind being one of them, but what we did see was 'fast!'. We meet so many truly amazing people. It really felt like one big family. So what was going to be 30 minutes was about 6 hours!

Outta there and back on to the I80 and crossed into Nevada. Turned off at Battle Mountain for a bed for the night. Another hour gained too crossing into Nevada! Brilliant!

Across the road from where we are staying is a Fireworks Outlet. We have seen a lot of outlets like this on our journey so decided to visit this one and find out the story!

They can sell fireworks all year round and each state has their own regulations on where to let them off. Simon, given the opportunity would have bought half the store. Everything was available to buy, sky rockets, sticks of dynamite size crackers and everything in between! It's a family run business and we met Dad and his 2 sons. Dad is 97! They gave Simon a chicken blowing balloon to let off tomorrow! Currently there is a ban but he's allowed to let this one off! I'll have the camera ready!

After such a busy, exciting day it's bedtime! (after we shower all the salt off!).

It was only a matter of time......

After 7450 miles (11989kms) we had flashing lights in the rear vision mirror.

Yep Si got pulled over by a State Trooper on the interstate doing 76 miles/hr in a 65 zone.

He came to my side and advised us speed was 65 so stick to the limit please and slow down.

That's was it! Si Lucky Gutschlag.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Yellowstone National Park

You know sometimes when you pinch yourself and say am I really here? Today was another one of those days.

Left Cody bound for the big park with the geyser in it - you know - Old Faithful.

Great drive and fantastic scenery. I do have to take a moment and compliment my wonderful husband for his awesome driving! He is being very well behaved and making it a pleasant experience! (maybe he's growing up??)

Thought we may see some wildlife at Yellowstone but never thought we would see it so up close and personal. First bison we saw, we pulled over, put the camera on zoom and ooed and aahed! However that was just the 1st one. The picture I will put below hasn't got zoom on! He was right beside the car. I could have put my arm out and gave him a rub! But didn't! Freakin fantastic. Never saw a bear tho, maybe next time!

Now our life is always pretty much based on good timing and today once again didn't let us down. Old Faithful only blows his stack about every 90 minutes. We parked up and walked to the crowds (and I mean crowds) and what do you know, he started almost straight away - Timing! Again, just like watching the recent documentary on Discovery! So cool to be there and experience it.

Left there and programmed Salt Lake City into Peggy-Sue. Stopped at a rest area for a great late lunch. I honestly can't recommend enough to anyone doing a road trip to buy a car fridge. People look at us with envy and we were even asked today if we had enough for 2 more! After washing our snacks down with a couple of nice cold Buds got back on the road. Me behind the wheel this time.

Hit Utah and found ourselves another good motel to stay the night. Lots of good restaurants close by and some homework to do on San Francisco which we will reach in the next couple of days.

Monday 27 August 2012

The Day in Cody

Great rodeo last night! The clown didn't let me down. He was good at his job! Excellent entertainment and loads of laughs. What's not on my bucket list - riding a bull! Do you know how big those suckers are?

Did a load of washing this morning. That was enough housework for another week. (getting used to not making our bed!). Then walked to the Buffalo Bill Historical Centre. Now how many hours do you have? We did about 3 and could have stayed for more. It's made up of 5 different museums and all interesting in their own right.

I enjoyed the Plains Indian People area. Simon - Firearms. It holds the largest firearms display in America.

The Yellowstone Natural History area was pretty cool too, but we are heading there tomorrow to see the real thing!

Even caught a speaker talking about rattlesnakes - whilst the rattlesnake was on his boots. I didn't move much for 30 minutes I can tell you!

Headed out of there and caught a cowboy cooking beans, scones and brewing coffee in old pans on the open fire by his chuckwagon. Offered us to try cowboy beans. Yum oh! Coffee wasn't bad either.

Found the famous Irma Hotel (named after Buffalo Bills daughter) and had buffet lunch. Ate too much but was delicious! Walked the town and headed back to motel for a swim.

I left Si to have a 50 year old aftn nap and I drove myself to Walmart to buy some Buds.

We have just been back up to the Irma Hotel to watch a wild west shoot out in the street. Bit of a laugh. $4 to hire 2 chairs and $3.50 to buy 2 Buds! Great stuff.

Early night tonight. Off to Yellowstone in the morning.

The Half Way Mark

5 weeks gone - 5 weeks to go!

Thanks to those reading our blog and sending emails. It's had 3900 views so keep reading and enjoying our adventure with us!

Putting a pic on of something I saw in the supermarket but was 'too afraid to buy'!

Sunday 26 August 2012

Cody,Wyoming - The Wild Wild West

Caught a western show last night in a saloon in Keystone. Bit of humor. Finally got my full rack of ribs! Ate half so nice leftovers for lunch today.

Hit the road bout 9am heading towards Yellowstone National Park. Stopped at the famous Sturgis to say we had been there. Not sure what happens in that town except for the bike rally's. But we have been there now!

Stopped at the welcome to Wyoming information centre. I know I've said it before but these centers are truly amazing. Fully staffed with everything you need to know about the state you are entering. So immaculate and vending machines if you need a snack or drink. Bloody great!

Roads good again and a bit of one lane miles today through some desolate country side. Parts of it really reminded me of outback Australia. Saw some wildlife. Had a couple of deer run out on the road. Haven't seen 1 sheep since leaving NZ! Few cows but not sure what they are feeding on!

Stopped at another little hick town called TenSleeps. Had a business for sale just for you Sally! Dirty Sally's.

Ended up getting info on a place called Cody. Sounded like us so here we are based for the next couple of nights. Got a motel, had a swim and found the rodeo! Never been to a fair dinkum rodeo so not sure what to expect. There better be clowns!

Waiting on the action to start and, yes - you guessed it, enjoying a Bud! The picture of the bull below is Hollywood and he's real! Can get a picture sitting on him. Shame I haven't got my boots on!

Cody is the home of Buffalo Bill so got a lot of exploring to do tomorrow!

Saturday 25 August 2012

Mt Rushmore, Deadwood & Keystone

I'm so in my happy place right now! What a brilliant day.

Left Rapid City for Mt Rushmore. You know when you see something on tv and then see it in real life and pinch yourself and say am I really here. A moment like that this morn at the memorial.

After taking all that in headed for Deadwood. There just happens to be an annual event going on including a classic car show. So many people so many cars! However no galaxies, no grand prix pontiacs and no falcon coupes! Our cars must be worth heaps Ray & Geoff! They have live bands tonight and the main street is just full of camp chairs that people have put up to mark their spot. Will be chaos I'm sure but fun!

We back tracked a little to stay in a small western town called Keystone that we passed earlier. Staying in a awesome motel on the main street. Having a cool beverage then going to check out the western bars for dinner.

Loving it! Living the dream!

Friday 24 August 2012

Celebrities for the night / driving day today

Last night was funny. Walked to a restaurant nearby called Applebee's. They are a chain and we have been seeing their ads on tv.

Once again customer service was exceptional. When they heard our accent they wanted to know our story before we even got to the table. The manager even took the time out to come and meet us as she had never met anyone from NZ and also heard this was our first Applebee's meal and wanted to thank us and welcome us. The waitress said we were the talk of the restaurant.

Today we wanted to chew a chunk off the big drive heading west. Left at 8am and programmed Rapid City into Peggy-Sue.

734 miles (1181kms) later we are here. That's driving distance equivalent of Invercargill to just past Palmerston North. Honestly it doesn't seem like it. The driving conditions are just so good. We did this in 10 hours and another bonus is we have gained a hour with another time change!

Once we crossed the Mississippi River the landscape changed dramatically. Went from green and trees to brown and barren. Corn paddocks, windmills and sunflower paddocks were about it. Awesome scenery and stuff we have never seen before.

Left state of Wisconsin, crossed through Minnesota and now in South Dakota. (the I90 for those following on maps). Temperature increased also to 99F but is bearable.

I did a share of driving today and really enjoyed it. Set cruise control to 78 miles/hr and just steered the car.

Once we arrived in South Dakota the speed increased to 75miles/hr so Si set the cruise control to 83 as ya do! Great roads and minimal traffic.

Stopped at the info centre and were advised to take the scenic route through The Badlands national park. Took this advice and so pleased we did. It's the 1st national park we've been in and sights were incredible. The park incorporates 244,000 acres and considered one of the worlds richest mammal fossil beds. Well worth the detour.

When leaving The Badlands we thought we were heading into a tornado. It was freaking us both out a bit. We ended up driving around the edge of the storm and saw a great lightening show.

Staying in Rapid City tonight. Ribs on the menu for tea we think.