Thursday 27 September 2012

Wedding Dress Shopping

What a morning yesterday. Started off finding a laundromat to do the final wash and make use of the very sexy cars we had to get there. I love green I've decided! 2nd best colour to electric orange!

After that taxis to a costume hire shop to dress us. What a bloody couple of hours we had. Although it was fun I almost turned into bridezilla as the picture in my mind wasn't turning out!

BUT - thanks to my good friend Kathryn it is all sorted and we really are going to look the part! Thanks girls, couldn't have done it without you both. Xxx. Remember it's Vegas, no one will recognize us, only the 100's of people viewing wedding online.

On the way back to resort we pass the stratosphere. Now I've watched the rides on you tube and thought crazy buggers but decided what the heck I wanna do one of them! Mum - where did I get my adventurous gene?

Off Si and I went up the tower. Madness, and that was just the elevator ride. 109th floor at speed of approx 22 miles/hr.

4 rides of choice and mine was called Insanity. In-bloody-insane it was! After strapping in, the boom swings you out and you are hanging over a 109 story drop. View is amazing. Then you start spinning and the claws open to give you a full frontal view of the ground below. There were only 3 of us riding (no wait like Disneyland - wonder why???). 2 boys and me. Yep I was the noisiest one! Si took an awesome video. I even got nervous again watching it!

Back to hotel then meet our friends Siggi and Margit in the bar. So great to see them after 5+ years. Just seems like yesterday. Yes Siggi - you are giving me away!

Had another adventurous ride - the bus down the strip to Caesars Palace for dinner. Dined at Bejing No 9. Delicious and great atmosphere. Goldfish tanks as decoration (not for human consumption).

Walked home and watched the fountain display at the Bellagio. What a sight. I'll say it again - everything here is huge and they know how to do things well! Only wish I had was it was nighttime always in Vegas as during the day it doesn't look much at all!

Nightcap and almost the best sleep ever!

What's today going to bring?

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