Saturday 15 September 2012

Better sleep, friends arrived safely and Buds

Changing rooms was the best thing! Had a wonderful sleep, much quieter!

Left motel bound for LAX via the Sam Ash Music Store. Si is getting a drum kit for his 50th. How many drums can you get into store? Lots.

Ended up being a expensive visit, not for the drums but got a parking ticket - $63.00! Buggers. Only 4 mins over what we paid for. They must have been waiting around!

Anyway left there and got to the airport to pick up Wayne and Kathryn! Very exciting. Simon had the sign all ready.

Back to the motel. (they survived the car ride!). Room not ready so off for a snack at McDonald's. Found a supplies shop and re stocked our fridges. Nice swim and now deciding where to go to for dinner around the table drinking Buds. Still warm and it's 7.30pm. Only got to 108F today!

This is the life!

Welcome to America Mr & Mrs Slade! It's great to have y'all here.

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