Thursday 20 September 2012

Disney California Adventure - Wow

After a nice breakfast we all walked to Disney for a day full of who knew what as we had no real idea what this park would be like.

From the moment we arrived at Disney Downtown once again the child in all 6 of us came out. You just can't help it!

Tickets in hand, through the bag search area and entry gates and we were ready!

What a day! So many highlights I don't know where to start.

The first ride we did was Grizzly River Run which was a white water raft adventure. Laugh a minute and most of us got soaked. Great way to start the day!

One of the main highlights would have to be the ride 'Radiator Springs Racers' in Cars Land. The ride was honestly like being on the movie set. Incredible. The entire Cars Land area just blows you away. Si just loved Mater and ran like a little boy when he came out to get his photo.

Another highlight for some of us was 'California Screamin' - high speed roller coaster. So much so that 4 of us did it twice.

We managed to do all the rides and I'm very proud of Kathryn and Jo who did rides out of their comfort zones (and enjoyed them)!

The day ended with World of Colour light show. This was amazing and so well done. Unfortunately it was meant to go for about 35 minutes but after 15 they had technical difficulties and couldn't continue. You can't miss what you don't know however and what we saw was fabulous.

6 tired but very happy big kids walked home and had dinner at the local - Coco's. Very yum.

Home to bed and a sleep in hopefully after what was such a fun day!

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