Friday 7 September 2012

Day of R&R in Williams AZ

After a rare sleep in enjoyed our complimentary breakfast at motel.

Did a load of laundry at the local laundromat across the road. I've decided to get rid of the washing machine at home and just go to laundromats. They are an extremely social place. I think you learn more than you do at a hairdressers! That's how social they are!

Walked back up the street of Williams browsing all the various route 66 shops. If money was no object and you had a container at your disposal to bring home you would have a field day! Think next trip will be a container trip for sure. However we haven't got to Vegas yet, it still could be this trip!

Had a mouth watering wood fire pizza at the local Italian for lunch washed down by the traditional Bud. Hope our friends recognize us when we meet in LA - both looking extremely healthy to say the least!

Back to the motel for a afternoon nap! What a treat that was. Been a very enjoyable relaxing day and both feeling refreshed and rearing to go again.

Check out the picture below of Si pretending to take a leak! This was in the men's bathroom at the restaurant last night. What a novel idea. Think our games room needs redesigning!

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