Tuesday 4 September 2012

Hottest Day Yet! Destination Barstow CA

Hit the road this morning after the skunk had its first car wash! Little did Si know that after 12 quarters the time expires in 4.5 minutes so he had to go cash in some notes for 12 more quarters as we were still covered in soap. Skunk looks a whole lot better though!

Took a bit of a detour to Mammoth Mountain. They do it well over here I tell you. Big ski resort and during the summer they really cash in on the tourists and adventure seekers with mountain bike trails and hikes. So the ski towns are still a buzz with lots to do.

Si once again found a little gondola ride. This time up to 11053 feet and the gondola is similar to the size of Queenstown ones. Yep you guessed it - another sweaty feet moment and not just me this time - Si too! The ride even stops half way up for bikers to get off if they want and they check you are going ok! But what incredible views - so worth the sweat!

The entire day today has been made up of amazing views to be honest. We are really in the desert. I thought after so many miles on the road it would become boring but far from it!

Stopped at a smoke house on the way! I'm talking a food smoke house. Tried beef jerky - yuck. Think it's an acquired taste a bit like chewing tobacco.

However Joanne - thinking of you. We bought half a smoked salmon for our dinner tonight. Only 21 bucks! Mouth is watering.

Stopped at a place called Barstow CA for the night. Arrived about 6pm and it was still 103 F. So temperatures definitely on the increase. Found a motel, had a swim and enjoying a cool refreshment.

Another great day in paradise.

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