Tuesday 11 September 2012

Off Road Adventure

After a delicious hot breakfast we relaxed at our motel this morning as we didn't have to be at our adventure until 12.30pm which was about 1 and half hours up the road

I think Si made a sneaky phone call to our insurance broker Craig to check my life insurance was up to date before booking this adventure!

Arizona ATV Adventure Tours here we come! 1 bike or 2? He of course booked 2. So off we went. There were only 4 in the group all experienced bar little ole me. I thought I should just double up with Si but we did the small confidence course and I was semi confident!

This is the most fun that you can have sitting down. 3 and half hours of off-roading fun in fact (37 miles). Yeah baby I was pumped! Plus to top it all off in the safety briefing Ray our guide was talking about rattlesnakes. I had to ask how often do you see these? Almost every day - and yep today was one of those days! We got our moneys worth! I was directly behind Ray and he did the hand signal to slow down then got me right up beside him. Across our path was a nice long rattler! He stopped for a bit then just slithered into the bush. My eyes (and heart) were popping out of my head!

The tour takes you through Sonoran Desert, through giant Saguaro and Octillo cactus. We went into Box Canyon which is 7 miles long and at some points only 10 feet wide with cliff faces reaching nearly 900 feet high!

I think just quietly my husband was very proud of me - crikey I was proud of me. Think I have definitely found a new hobby!

Found the closest bar to get a pitcher of Bud to wash the dirt away and then hit the road for Wickenburg, Arizona

Found a motel and had a well deserved shower. Bout to head out for dinner - a big manly steak and more beer! Yum.

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