Sunday 2 September 2012

Cable cars & Naked men

After a late start to the day, walked to Union Square. Had one of the best brunches in the coolest American Diner. Just awesome.

Found the end of our longest queue yet to ride the famous cable car up Powell Street to Fishermans Wharf. Lots of interesting sites while waiting. This place is full of 'characters'!

Had a walk around Ghiraldelli Square - famous chocolate. Got to try pumpkin spice chocolate. Delicious!

Caught the bus to Castro under my brothers recommendation! Owen - what were you thinking? This is the gay Mecca of San Fran. I have never seen naked men walking around streets before or sitting round with no pants on and quite honestly not sure I wanna see it again! What a crazy place this is! Been there, seen that but didn't get the t-shirt. Haha. Did find a interesting cafe however, but didn't visit. (picture below)!

Quick smart (not quick enough for Si) caught the bus back to motel. Enjoying a quiet drink thinking do we really have to leave San Fran tomorrow - YES! Been a very, very educational 4 days.

Where will our adventure lead us to next?

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