Sunday 30 September 2012

Casino hopping & Cirque Du Soleil

Everyone enjoyed a late start today. Caught the Deuce bus up to The Venetian for a buffet breakfast and walked through their amazing resort. Never been to Venice but looking at the photos you would think we had.

Visited Treasure Island to exchange our vouchers for tickets to the show tonight. Another big resort/casino. Honestly you could spend weeks here just going through each place visiting their lobby's and checking them out! Forget about eating at all the restaurants - it would take a year!

Found a mall and we all split up and did some browsing. Back to the Tropicana for a dunk in the pool and catch some sun.

Caught the bus back down to Treasure Island for the Mystere show and had some delicious pizza with Wayne and Kathryn.

Jo & Craig went to see Rod Stewart at Ceasars Palace. Looking forward to hearing tomorrow how the old crooner went.

Our show was fantastic. It's the original Cirque Du Soleil with new mind blowing acts. What a strong, athletic cast they had with some great costumes. Great stage performance and would go to one again.

Bus home at 11.45pm. Bit late for one who needed a nana nap on the journey! We have to be up at 6am for our big adventure tomorrow which we are all pretty excited about!

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