Tuesday 18 September 2012

San Diego Zoo & Border Crossing!

Hit the road after another cooked breakfast (great for the waistline) bound for the world famous zoo.

Stopped at an Information Centre on the way and we were given enough reading material for a week! Bought our zoo tickets there and got given great advice - as soon as you get to the zoo take the bus tour which is free to give you the overview! Great advice.

The place is massive with over 4000 rare animals. Highlights for all of us were number one - gorillas and number two - panda bears. Reptile park was pretty cool too especially as the snakes were all behind very thick glass. Phew!

Nice late lunch there and a great day BUT there is more!

A certain person in our group (Kathryn) really wanted a extra stamp in her passport. So we made the decision, well the two amigos (Simon & Kathryn) did to go to the Mexican border. Fun - understatement.

What seemed like only 30 minutes south here we were at the border crossing. Easy peasy! Drama 1, Peggy-Sue doesn't work, 2 My cell phone battery went flat and 3 - Why oh why were we in this dirty suss looking place with no signs that we could understand!

Simon carried on driving with no problem until I said - hey remember Peggy-Sue doesn't work so you have to know the way to back track all by yourself!

Passed a street to the left that had lots of shops and a zebra on the footpath. Si found a park and off Kathryn and him went to 'souvenir shop'. Wayne and I stayed guard in the car (yep, locked the doors) waiting on the 2 tough guys to come back!

What seemed like hours (ok probably 15 minutes) back they arrive all smiles with the token souvenirs and telling us how friendly everyone was. Well except for the poor guy asleep in the gutter! (was he really asleep?)

Si asked the locals, after he found someone who could speak English, where to the border and off we went.

You know how I said easy and quick to come into Mexico - different story getting back into America! 1 and a half hours later at a sloths pace, watching the sights of locals approaching vehicles trying to sell their wares, we approached the border security. Question "how long have you spent in Mexico"? Answer "1 hour". Question "pardon, did you say 1 hour"? Answer "yes". Response "there's not much to see is there?". All 4 of us agreed!

Not even a bloody new stamp on the passport just a goodbye to Mexico. But we all breathed a sigh of relief to be back on the I5 heading North with Peggy-Sue back in commission.

Needless to say Wayne and I still haven't stood on Mexico soil and our 2 amigos will be talking about their adventure for a long time to come!

After almost 2 hours drive back to the motel it was quite late. Although you couldn't tell with the amount of traffic! Few nightcaps to settle everyone down and bedtime!

It's been a BIG but fun day!

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