Sunday 30 September 2012

Casino hopping & Cirque Du Soleil

Everyone enjoyed a late start today. Caught the Deuce bus up to The Venetian for a buffet breakfast and walked through their amazing resort. Never been to Venice but looking at the photos you would think we had.

Visited Treasure Island to exchange our vouchers for tickets to the show tonight. Another big resort/casino. Honestly you could spend weeks here just going through each place visiting their lobby's and checking them out! Forget about eating at all the restaurants - it would take a year!

Found a mall and we all split up and did some browsing. Back to the Tropicana for a dunk in the pool and catch some sun.

Caught the bus back down to Treasure Island for the Mystere show and had some delicious pizza with Wayne and Kathryn.

Jo & Craig went to see Rod Stewart at Ceasars Palace. Looking forward to hearing tomorrow how the old crooner went.

Our show was fantastic. It's the original Cirque Du Soleil with new mind blowing acts. What a strong, athletic cast they had with some great costumes. Great stage performance and would go to one again.

Bus home at 11.45pm. Bit late for one who needed a nana nap on the journey! We have to be up at 6am for our big adventure tomorrow which we are all pretty excited about!

Saturday 29 September 2012

Viva Las Vegas - ah ha!

You think to yourself that life can't get any better - then it does!

We had the best time with our renewal ceremony. For some reason we didn't feel as nervous as 21 years ago!

The day was very relaxing starting with a buffet breakfast at Luxor. If I didn't eat anything else for the next 24 hours I would have been happy. So much food. But very nice.

The girls and boys split up and they went to a shark display at Mandalay Bay and us girls were on a mission to finish the outfit shopping.

First find was my bling ring for the ceremony. Big, gaudy, cheap and as it turned out - not required! Great little shop that we purchased the head bands and all in. Met up with everyone again in the pool and relaxed the afternoon away.

Got ready and drinks in the room until our limo arrived.

Let the fun begin!

Si and I had chosen a F650 stretch limo to take us to the wedding. This would have to be the biggest limo currently on the streets of America. It would have seated 20 people with ease. The look on everyone's faces when 'The Kong' opened its doors was priceless.

This set the seen for what was one of the best nights.

The wedding went better than we could have wished for and my darling husband even managed to WOW me once more. Our bling rings were not the ones we had purchased, but he had organized 2 beautiful new bands for this special occasion. My reaction when he opened the box was something I'm so happy we have on video as he surprised me entirely.

Rode in Kong to the Stratsophere where Roxys Diner is. Typical 50s style including singing waiters/waitresses. Everyone enjoyed and got into theme. Was the perfect choice - we were in our element singing, dancing and lots of 'kisses'.

Back in Kong to take us home where we enjoyed the band at the Tropicana and more dancing and entertainment.

To celebrate like that with 6 of our best friends is something we will treasure and remember for the rest of our lives.

Simon - you truly are my hunka hunka of burning love.

Friday 28 September 2012

Good friends, great food and lots of laughter...

Shopping yesterday morning with Craig and Si to get jeans for the rock and roll wedding. Wayne, Kathryn and Jo found a Macy's and we didn't see them for hours. Craig got a tuff sticker for the occasion.

All rendezvoused at the pool and made plans for the evening.

Si and I went out for dinner with Siggi and Margit. Japanese - was bloody incredible. A real taste sensation and very enjoyable. Just a small walk there and back - aye Margit?

Back to the resort and met up with the team to go to the Laugh Factory. Great idea Craig - we all had tears and more (Wayne can tell that story).

No one has made a million yet - maybe today!

Thursday 27 September 2012

Happy 21st Wedding Anniversary

This time 21 years ago in New Zealand I was getting ready to marry the man of my dreams. This time tomorrow we will be getting ready to do it all again in America and he is still the man of my dreams. Xxx

Wedding Dress Shopping

What a morning yesterday. Started off finding a laundromat to do the final wash and make use of the very sexy cars we had to get there. I love green I've decided! 2nd best colour to electric orange!

After that taxis to a costume hire shop to dress us. What a bloody couple of hours we had. Although it was fun I almost turned into bridezilla as the picture in my mind wasn't turning out!

BUT - thanks to my good friend Kathryn it is all sorted and we really are going to look the part! Thanks girls, couldn't have done it without you both. Xxx. Remember it's Vegas, no one will recognize us, only the 100's of people viewing wedding online.

On the way back to resort we pass the stratosphere. Now I've watched the rides on you tube and thought crazy buggers but decided what the heck I wanna do one of them! Mum - where did I get my adventurous gene?

Off Si and I went up the tower. Madness, and that was just the elevator ride. 109th floor at speed of approx 22 miles/hr.

4 rides of choice and mine was called Insanity. In-bloody-insane it was! After strapping in, the boom swings you out and you are hanging over a 109 story drop. View is amazing. Then you start spinning and the claws open to give you a full frontal view of the ground below. There were only 3 of us riding (no wait like Disneyland - wonder why???). 2 boys and me. Yep I was the noisiest one! Si took an awesome video. I even got nervous again watching it!

Back to hotel then meet our friends Siggi and Margit in the bar. So great to see them after 5+ years. Just seems like yesterday. Yes Siggi - you are giving me away!

Had another adventurous ride - the bus down the strip to Caesars Palace for dinner. Dined at Bejing No 9. Delicious and great atmosphere. Goldfish tanks as decoration (not for human consumption).

Walked home and watched the fountain display at the Bellagio. What a sight. I'll say it again - everything here is huge and they know how to do things well! Only wish I had was it was nighttime always in Vegas as during the day it doesn't look much at all!

Nightcap and almost the best sleep ever!

What's today going to bring?

Welcome Siggi & Margit

So great to be together again. Only seems like yesterday. We all haven't changed one bit! Look forward to enjoying our last few days in America with y'all.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Wedding Invite - Vegas Style

Si and I are renewing our wedding vows on our 21st wedding anniversary this Friday - 28th September at the Doo Wop Diner!

If you want to share this with us, feel free to load the below link and watch live with us online.

O.M.G. - Vegas!

It's spectacular. We have done nothing but walk around with our mouths wide open and attempted to take in some of the sights. It's party and lights central for all ages.

After we checked in and found our room (just about needed a map for that) we had a swim and spa in the awesome pool area. Great bar, can buy buckets of buds! There are ONLY 1375 rooms here and this is one of the smaller resorts.

We then headed out in the cars again to Freemont Street which is in old Vegas. The area has a huge roof over the mall and every hour they have a light and music show projected onto it. We saw Queen first then The Doors. Bloody great.

Drove through the strip in the mustangs with the tops down and soaked up the atmosphere on the way back to resort. It's a adults playground I tell ya. Never seen anything like it in my life! It's on such a grand scale.

Couple of drinks, small gamble and calling it a night.

Looking forward to seeing Siggi & Margit tomorrow night! Plus I have a wedding renewal to organize! Crikey who needs sleep anyway!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Promised Muscle Beach Pics

The bodies are hot, hot, hot in Santa Monica I tell ya!!

Topless to Vegas

Said goodbye to Santa Monica this morning and we are currently driving to Vegas in style (Craig may debate this!).

Great drive with a couple of stops along the way. Barstow being one and Wells Falls the other.

I didn't get to meet Kermit but I can now say I've driven his car. Love the colour. Would have to have very short hair if we owned a convertible though or lots of scarves.

Fun, fun, fun - we are almost there!

Monday 24 September 2012

Universal Studios Hollywood

Up at a reasonable time as we had a bus to catch to Universal Studios. Hef (Wayne) took his 3 hot girls out and Si and Craig stayed behind for a chill out day in Santa Monica.

We started off our day with a Studio Tour. It toured the world-famous backlot and we learnt secrets about Hollywood moviemaking. One of the highlights for me was the largest 3D experience on King Kong 360 3D which was created by Peter Jackson.

Other highlights included cruising down Wisteria Lane, Jaws, War of the Worlds to name a few. Great way to start the day off with lots of special effects.

After that we hit the rides almost running. We were offered a front of line fast pass for a additional $49.00 but decided against it. Thankfully we didn't purchase this as it was a great day to go with minimal wait times anyway! Gotta love going to theme parks during the week (it's Monday today).

Another fun ride was Jurassic Park where the 4 of us got extremely wet. Talk about fun.

Caught the Blues Brothers musical which was o for oarsome. You know I love my music and dancing but I didn't expect to be taken up on stage by Jake to shake my tail feather. I did enjoy it though!

Kathryn and Jo once again surprised themselves and Wayne and I by doing every ride/experience in the park. I can see that the roller coaster on top of Stratosphere will be next for both of them! Wayne looked like he could step onto the set of Terminator when he straddled the motor bike.

Finished the day off with Shrek 4D which was a great end. You initially think how am I gong to spend 8 hours or so at a theme park but in reality you could spend much more. Especially when we found the streets of shops outside the park!

Bus back to Santa Monica and met up with Si and Craig to hear about their day. They had a great one also chilling at the beach, swimming, reading and biking again down to Venice Beach for lunch. Si's looking a bright shade of pink currently, perhaps a little too much sun!

Found an Italian restaurant to have dinner at. Bucas - delicious. They are a chain and Si and I went to one in Rapid City. It was great to go with a group as they serve "like Mumma serves" and it's all about sharing from large bowls. 6 very contented people who even managed delicious profiteroles for desert rolled back to the motel. Delizioso.

Packing to be done as we hit the road tomorrow for hotel number 39 and the last one of our American Adventure. Bring it on!