Thursday 26 July 2012

Sore Feet

What a day. Walked for miles and every step is so worth it.

Got the subway to 'downtown', caught free ferry to Straton Island. Passed the great Statue of Liberty. Having maintenance done so couldn't get up close and personal but you didn't need too. It was amazing from the ferry. Got off at Straton Island and was entertained by 4 gospel singers and one bass player. I hadn't heard singing like it. I even tipped them and bought their CD.

Back on the ferry and got our 1st taste of USA rain. Bucketed down. But didn't last for long and just made it muggier.

Walked all around the financial district. New York Stock Exchange etc. I really spent most of my time looking up. Never seen buildings like it in Wall Street.

Next stop was the 9/11 Memorial. I was moved to tears. It is just hard to imagine the terror that was on the site we were standing. A very emotional moment.

Went to a huge store called Century 21. Again so overwhelming I didn't do a lot of shopping. Bargains galore but too many choices and too many people. Had to see it to believe it. Si got a few bargains and is now supporting a new "lid", cap for us Kiwis with the Yankees on it.

Walked thru Chinatown, Little Italy and caught subway back to hotel. Had a well deserved nana nap. News reports are of a bad storm coming due to arrive in about 15 mins. May stay indoors until that passes then head for dinner.

That's it for today people. Thanks for emails from home. Sorry I'm having trouble replying but it's great to receive them. Xxx

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