Sunday 29 July 2012

Gatlinburg - TN

Since arriving in Tennessee all I can say is - AWESOME.

This place is truly amazing. After a very relaxing drive we arrived at the Tennessee welcome centre. Off the freeways they have these rest stops everywhere and welcome centers. They have every brochure you could imagine, rest rooms and a vending machine for anything you could want.

I tell you us Kiwis could learn a lot from these guys.

We headed to a car museum then made our way to Gatlinburg. It's a prime ski resort so Queenstown but bigger. Being summer 35 degrees, it's just a full on tourist resort.

We spent the afternoon wandering the shops. Went to another car museum which has about 8 million bucks worth of original movie cars in it. My favorite was the bat mobile and ghost busters. Even KIT was there.

Had a customary Bud at the local. I made the mistake of asking a guy where he was from. Once he started talking I couldn't understand a word. Funny.

Came back to motel for a swim then went Mexican for dinner. Had a margarita with dinner and yes you guessed it - HUGE. One lasted all night.

Walked thru town again being entertained by locals playing in bands singing and dancing. ( local hillbillies).

I even have my own hillbilly. Pic below!

Looking forward to a bit of a sleep in tmrw.

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