Saturday 28 July 2012

Intercourse PA

Do I have your attention?

Interesting morning I must say - we went to Intercourse and back again.

Yep, there really is a place called Intercourse and it's in Amish Country. What a really beautiful place. We back tracked to visit but I said to Si I couldn't come all this way without Intercourse I mean visiting Intercourse.

Spent a few hours there. Went on a buggy ride with our driver EJ and horse called - Sally. Sorry Sally I found this extremely funny! Poor Sally had to take 4 of us healthy specimens in her buggy so she worked for her tip.

Carried on down the road towards Knoxville and decided to spend night at Roanoke Virginia. Been out and had ribs for tea and a pitcher of Bud ( my fav drink, it's almost as good as water).

Visited a Walmart. Think The Warehouse and times it by at least 10. And this isn't a big store according to the girl that served us! Stocked up on some necessities like a car fridge! Gotta keep the Bud, I mean water cold.

Julie - please tell Kyle that Peggy Sue is the best thing since peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. We would be (I'd like to swear but this is a family friendly blog) up the creek without a paddle if we didn't have her telling us where to go. She's wonderful. However did buy a map today for back up just in case.

There's a Waffle House restaurant I can see out our window so I feel a dessert coming on.

Over and out for another adventurous day.

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